Winjeel MSFS
Tiger Moth MSFS
Drifter MSFS
Tiger Moth FSX/P3D
Winjeel FSX/P3D
Trojan FSX/P3D
Eaglet FSX/P3D
Drifter FSX/P3D
Sierra FSX/P3D

Ant's Airplanes produces a range of high quality freeware and payware aircraft and sceneries for Microsoft's Flight Simulator X and Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D.

The full range of aircraft available is displayed on the right hand side of this page. Select any of the pictures for more information or go to the Free and Demos pages to see what you can get for free.

All scenery is freeware and consists mainly of Australian airports.


Updates for the Tiger Moth (Version 1.41), Drifter (Version 1.30) and Winjeel (Version 1.30) provide compatibility for these MSFS 2020 aircraft with MSFS 2024. The main fixes for MSFS 2024 where the brightness of the GPS and Tablet displays and windscreens reflecting the ground rather than the aircraft. The new installers for these aircraft give the user the option to install to both MSFS 2020 and MSFS 2024. If anyone is having problems with an expired download link with Fastspring please email me and I will reset the link. The MSFS MarketPlace updates should be available later.

Visit the Tiger Moth MSFS page for more information.

Visit the Drifter MSFS page for more information.

Visit the Winjeel MSFS page for more information.


With the release of MSFS 2024 this month I have created a page with information on the compatibility of Ant's Airplanes aircraft with the new simulator. Long story short the Tiger Moth and Drifter mostly work in MSFS 2024 while the Winjeel is having engine problems which makes it unusable. Until MS/Asobo make developer mode available in MSFS 2024 I will not be able to address these issues.

Visit the MSFS 2024 Compatibility page for more information on how to install MSFS 2020 aircraft (and scenery) in MSFS 2024.

NEWS > TIGER MOTH for MSFS 2020 UPDATE V1.32 (Jul 2024)

Another small update for the Tiger Moth that fixes some small bugs. The Tiger Moth MSFS page has a full list of the changes in version 1.32. If anyone is having problems with an expired download link with Fastspring please email me and I will reset the link. MSFS MarketPlace update should be available now or within the next day or two.

Visit the Tiger Moth MSFS page for more information.

NEWS > TIGER MOTH for MSFS 2020 UPDATE V1.31 (Jun 2024)

A small update for the Tiger Moth that fixes three bugs. The Tiger Moth MSFS page has a full list of the changes in version 1.31. If anyone is having problems with an expired download link with Fastspring please email me and I will reset the link. MSFS MarketPlace update may take a week or two to process before being available.

Visit the Tiger Moth MSFS page for more information.

NEWS > TIGER MOTH for MSFS 2020 UPDATE V1.21 (May 2024)

A few bug fixes and improvements for the Tiger Moth for MSFS. The Tiger Moth MSFS page has a full list of the changes in version 1.21. If anyone is having problems with an expired download link with Fastspring please email me and I will reset the link.

Visit the Tiger Moth MSFS page for more information.


A reasonably big update for the Drifter which makes quite a few changes. New pilot and passenger models, the Tablet has been rewritten as an html gauge (which should improve stability) and updated flight dynamics plus many other bug fixes and improvements. This also adds Xbox compatibility for MS Marketplace users (to be released soon). Visit the product page for a full list of the changes. While the update can be installed directly over any existing installation you may like to remove the previous version and do a clean re-install. A few files have had to have their locations moved and a clean install will keep the file folder clean without any orphaned files.

Visit the Drifter MSFS page for more information.

NEWS > CAC WINJEEL for MSFS 2020 UPDATE V1.20 (Mar 2024)

An update mostly to fix an issue with exterior lights not appearing correctly in the Xbox version available through the Marketplace in MSFS. Other updates included fixing the aileron trim tab, fixing some update issues with the radio page in the Tablet as well as new mouse click zones for changing values in the Tablet. While the update can be installed directly over any existing installation you may like to remove the previous version and do a clean re-install. A few files have had to have their locations moved and a clean install will keep the file folder clean without any orphaned files.

Visit the Winjeel MSFS page for more information.

NEWS > CAC WINJEEL for MSFS 2020 RELEASE V1.00 (Dec 2023)

The Winjeel for MSFS has been released. This conversion of the FSX/P3D version has been updated with improved graphic and model details as well as full compatibility with the new MSFS systems. The Winjeel is a two-three seat, low wing, fixed undercarriage tail dragger. Construction is all metal with fabric covered control surfaces. Power is provided by a 450hp Pratt & Whitney Wasp Junior nine cylinder radial engine driving a two bladed Hamilton Standard variable pitch propeller. The aircraft comes in four variants: vintage and modern normal models as well as vintage and modern FAC models.

Visit the Winjeel MSFS page for more information.

NEWS > TIGER MOTH for MSFS 2020 UPDATE V1.10 (Oct 2022)

This update fixes an issue where user key input for primer wasn't updating carby prime, some clickspots not working for Xbox controllers in mouse mode, updated gauge glass texture, missing glass texture on front airspeed indicator and fixed unlocked/locked tooltip on slots lever.

The paintkit is also now available (textures in photoshop format). Visit the Tiger Moth MSFS page for more information and the download link for the paintkit.

Download the latest installer from your retailer.

NEWS > TIGER MOTH for MSFS 2020 UPDATE V1.01 (Sep 2022)

This small update fixes an issue with the GPS and Tablet being constantly switched for users of Honeycomb products. The key command for the GPS and Tablet has been changed from the avionics bus to increase and decrease Nav 4 volume.

Download the latest installer from your retailer.

NEWS > TIGER MOTH for MSFS 2020 RELEASE V1.00 (Sep 2022)

The Tiger Moth for MSFS has been released. This classic bi-plane is now available to fly in the Microsoft Flight Simulator world. The aircraft features two engine simulation modes. Easy provides quick and easy flying while the Hard mode is for those who would like some more realism requiring correct procedures for the manual engine start, oil consumption and spark plug fouling.

Visit the Tiger Moth MSFS page for more information.


The Drifter Ultralight has been updated (both payware and free/demo version). This update provides new smoother propeller animations. Recent testing has shown that the default MSFS code for prop animation operates at only 18 fps. Custom code in the Drifter now animates the prop at the same rate as the sim which produces smoother animation. Other changes include: Fixed key commands for the fuel pump, fixed GPS on/off key, modified engine sounds so less high frequencies are rolled off when viewing front on in the external camera, improved VR cockpit interactivity, fixed issue with windshield rain effects not showing.

Download the latest installer from your retailer. Free/demo users should download the installer from this website again.

Visit the Drifter MSFS page for more information.

NEWS > DRIFTER ULTRALIGHT for MSFS 2020 V1.00 (Jan 2022)

The new version of Drifter Ultralight has been rebuilt for MSFS. This is the perfect aircraft to enjoy the scenery of Microsoft's Flight Simulator 2020. The open cockpit and forward position provides clear views all around. The aircraft is available in a full payware version which includes wheeled and float versions. A wheeled only free/demo version is available to try before you buy.

Visit the Drifter MSFS page for more information.

NEWS > ANTS AUSSIE AIRPORTS for MSFS 2020 V1.00 (Nov 2020)

Available now is Ants Aussie Airports for MSFS 2020. This free scenery contains only two airports at the moment, YPLI Palmers Island and YEVD Evans Head, both located on the NSW north coast. Future versions will include additional airports. Please read the readme.txt before installing as it is a manual install and you need to get the scenery into the right folder for it to work.

Download : (53MB)


With the recent release of Prepar3D v5 here are the instructions on how to install any Ant's Airplanes aircraft in Prepar3D v5.

Installing into the program directory:
Run the aircraft installer and select the P3D v4 install to program directory option. Manually change the install directory from Prepar3D v4 to Prepar3D v5. You will need to install the aircraft once for v4 and once for v5 if you use this method.

Installing outside the program directory:
Run the aircraft installer and select the P3D v4 install outside program directory option. Select the location where you want to install the aircraft (by default this will be the P3D v4 add-ons folder and you can still use this if you have P3D v4 also installed). When the installer runs a batch file is run to update the add-on location in both P3D v4 and v5. You should only install the P3D v4 version outside the program directory once for use in both P3D v4 and v5. The installer updates the location of the add-on in both P3D v4 and P3D v5 as it has already been setup in expectation of the eventual release of P3D v5.

If you already have the aircraft installed outside the program directory with Prepar3D v4:
Either re-run the installer and reinstall the aircraft to the exact same location. Or, go to the location that the aircraft is installed and run the P3D_install.bat batch file found in the aircraft folder (other files in that folder will be the Content folder, add-on.xml and readme.txt).

The P3D_install.bat batch file is already setup for use with both Prepar3D v4 and Prepar3D v5. This batch file updates the add-on location for both P3D v4 and P3D v5. You should only install the P3D v4 version of the aircraft once if you are installing it outside the program folder and it will be available for use in both simulators.

NEWS > Download links for existing customers (Nov 2019)

Unfortunately a number of flightsim stores have closed business lately. Any customer who is unable to download any Ant's Airplanes products should contact me ( with details of their orders (product(s) bought and the order number). I will then happily be able to provide these customers with new download links via SendOwl.

NEWS > New direct purchase option (Aug 2018)

Customers may now buy aircraft direct from Ant's Airplanes. Customers may choose to buy either through FastSpring or SendOwl.

FastSpring offers the following:
- Payments may be made via most major credit cards or PayPal. Other options may be available depending on which country you are in.
- European Union customers are supported.
- Download links are valid for 7 days from the time of purchase. You should therefore ensure you keep a safe backup copy of the download. If you need the download link reset please contact me.
- If an update is released then the download link will be reset and you will be able to download the new version at any time.

SendOwl offers the following:
- Payments are made through PayPal (you may pay with a credit card through the PayPal checkout without needing to make a PayPal account).
- European Union customers are not supported through SendOwl (due to the EU VAT tax rules).
- Download links do not have a time limit. There is a download limit of 5 times though. If you need the download link reset please contact me.
- If an update is released then the download limit will be reset.

For more information about buying direct click here.