LATEST VERSIONS (last updated Jan 2025)

Ant's Airplanes has currently has a range of payware, freeware and demo aircraft. These aircraft are available for FSX and P3D. After the release of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 I will be converting some of these aircraft to MSFS models. Payware are available for purchase from leading flightsim retailers for a very reasonable price.

See the individual product pages for direct links to retailer product pages.

All FSX payware aircraft have a demo version available (visit the Free and Demos page for download links). Usually these demos are fully functional versions (eg the demo for the Eaglet is the floats version while the demo for the T-28B/C and D models is the fully functional T-28A)

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and 2024

The following aircraft are compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and/or Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. They are not compatible with FSX, P3D.

Winjeel for MSFS V1.30 Payware (MSFS 2020 and MSFS 2024) MSFS Winjeel page
RAAF primary piston trainer from 1955 to 1975 powered by a Wasp Jr nine cylinder rotary engine.

Tiger Moth for MSFS V1.41 Payware (MSFS 2020 and MSFS 2024) MSFS Tiger Moth page
The classic bi-plane now available for MSFS. The aircraft features two engine simulation modes. Easy provides quick and easy flying while the Hard mode is for those who would like some more realism requiring correct procedures for the manual engine start, oil consumption and spark plug fouling.

Drifter Ultralight for MSFS V1.30 Payware (MSFS 2020 and MSFS 2024) MSFS Drifter page
The Drifter for FSX has been rebuilt to be compatible with MSFS. A two seater ultralight aircraft with unequalled visibility. The perfect aircraft for sight seeing in MSFS. Includes the floats version. Version 1.20 adds Xbox version.

Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D

The following aircraft are compatible with Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D only.

DH82a Tiger Moth Pro Payware V1.21 Tiger Moth page
A completely new version of the Tiger Moth for FSX and Prepar3D. This version also comes with Physics Based Rendering (PBR) model and textures for P3D 4.4+.

DH82a Tiger Moth Pro Free/Demo V1.21 download (114MB)
The demo version is fully flyable however many of the customisation options are not available. The PBR model is also not available in the demo. Compatible with FSX, FSX steam edition and Prepar3D.

CAC25 Winjeel V1.40 Payware Winjeel page
Royal Australian Air Force trainer from the 1950's. Includes modern and vintage models as well as forward air control versions. Compatible with FSX, FSX steam edition and Prepar3D.

CAC25 Winjeel V1.40 Free/Demo download (86MB)
Royal Australian Air Force trainer from the 1950's. The demo version is fully flyable however the altimeter, airspeed and vertical speed indicators and engine wear modeling are inoperative. Compatible with FSX, FSX steam edition and Prepar3D.

T-28 Trojan A V3.30 Free download (195MB)
A 1950's era two seater military trainer aircraft used by the US Air Force. The T-28A is donationware. Free to use but if you like it please make a donation to aussiex or sim-outhouse. The T-28 Trojan A serves as a demo for the T-28B/C and D payware versions.

T-28 Trojan B/C V3.30 Payware T-28 page
A higher power version of the T-28A. Used by the US Navy as a trainer. The C variant includes a tailhook for carrier training. This is a payware product.

T-28 Trojan D V3.30 Payware T-28 page
The D version of the T-28 mostly consisted of original A model aircraft modified to use the larger engine found the in the T-28B. The T-28D was used in various military conflicts during the 60's and 70's. This is a payware product.

Swamp Wallaby V1.1 Free download (17MB)
A fictional freeware single seater personal jet. payware: Commercial release. Click on the Link to be taken to the product page.

Eaglet LSA V2.20 Payware Eaglet page
High wing two seat light sport aircraft. Includes floats version.

Eaglet Floats LSA V2.20 Free/Demo download (71MB)
Floats only version of the Eaglet. Also called the Seasky. This can be used freely with no limitations. It also serves as a demo for the payware Eaglet.

Sierra LSA V2.30 Payware Sierra page
Low wing two seat light sport aircraft.

Sierra LSA V2.30 Demo download (31MB)
A feature limited demo of the Sierra LSA payware aircraft. This demo allows you to check the performance of the Sierra on your system.

Drifter Ultralight V2.00 Payware Drifter page
Two seater ultralight aircraft. Provides superb visibility for enjoying your FSX scenery. Includes the floats version.

Drifter Floats Ultralight V2.00 Free/Demo download (52MB)
Floats only version of the Drifter. This can be used freely with no limitations. It also serves as a demo for the payware Drifter.

Original Tiger Moth V1.1 Free download (72MB)
The classic biplane trainer. This is FSX only and may not be compatible with P3D.

To check the version you have installed open the pilot's handbook for the appropriate aircraft. The version number is written on the top of each page.